
The Oxford City Council encourages resident participation in municipal government and welcomes your interest to serve your community by volunteering on a city board or committee.  Our community is growing and this is an excellent opportunity to add your voice to those who govern our city. 


Beautification Board
The purpose of the Beautification Board is to help make the City of Oxford a more beautiful place to live and to make the appearance of the City more beautiful for people passing through.  Make recommendations to the Mayor and Council.

Calhoun/Cleburne Mental Health Board
Represent the City of Oxford regarding issues concerning the Calhoun/Cleburne Mental Health Center.  Attend monthly meetings and other meetings as required by the board.

Citizens Advisory Committee
Represent the City of Oxford for the Calhoun Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.  Provide input on the MPO’s projects and proposed projects using Federal funds.

Commercial Development Authority
Represent the City of Oxford regarding issues related to the issuance of Commercial Development bonds.  Attend called meetings.

Environmental Advisory Board
Study, investigate, counsel, develop, advise and recommend to the Mayor and Council the state of the environment within the City and the effectiveness of the City programs with respect to environmental quality management.  To conduct an annual review of the Stormwater Management Plan and to address stormwater issues, public outreach, involvement, environmental ordinance review, and promulgation.  To assist in applying for federal and state grant monies in support of Stormwater Management.  Recommend a plan for the development of a broad policy designed to guide the City’s environmental future and to protect its environmental heritage to the Mayor and Council.  Advise the Mayor and Council of actions that could be undertaken by the City to improve its environment and also advise as to any circumstances which may threaten the environment.  Meets twice a year.

Industrial Development Board
Represent the City of Oxford regarding issues related to the issuance of Industrial Development bonds.  Attend called meetings.

Library Board
Provide support, advice, and assistance to the Library Director and staff regarding Library programs, events, and issues.  Attend monthly board meetings.  Assist with Library sponsored events.

Park and Recreation Board
Provide support, advice, and assistance to the Park and Recreation Director and staff regarding recreation programs, events, and issues.  Attend monthly board meetings.  Assist with PARD-sponsored events.

Public Building Authority
The purpose of providing building for use by the City of Oxford in the performance of its Governmental and Public functions.  Attend called meetings.

Regional Medical Center Board
Represent the City of Oxford regarding issues concerning the Regional Medical Center.  Attend monthly meetings and other meetings as required by the board.

School Board
Provide support, advice and assistance to the Superintendent regarding school system issues.  Provide oversight regarding the conduct of business of the system.  Attend monthly meetings.

Second Medical Clinic Board
Represent the City of Oxford regarding issues concerning the Second Medical Clinic. 

Water and Sewer Board
Provide support, advice and assistance to the director regarding water and sewer issues.  Provide oversight regarding the conduct of business of the department.  Attend monthly meetings.

Zoning Board of Adjustments
Authorize special exemptions to the terms of the ordinances and variances.



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