by Brian Graves
September 26, 2024
Kristen Scroggin made a return visit to Oxford to present her popular “Leadership In Every Generation” seminar on Thursday, September. 26, 2024, at the Oxford Performing Arts Center, with more than 100 in attendance.
The free presentation, designed to help employers develop better ways to communicate with employees and clients of all age groups, was sponsored by the city of Oxford and open to all local and regional managers, supervisors, business owners, governmental officials and employees.
Scroggin’s company, genWHY Communications, is based in Huntsville and uses Scroggin’s passion for better understanding the divide between generations while using humor to teach the best ways to bridge that divide in everyday business.
“Basically what I do is travel around the country and help people understand why their co-workers are so weird,” Scroggin said. “The main thing I try to do is help you understand yourself a little better, help you understand why your co-workers do weird things, and why your clients have weird complaints. This is to help you not be so mad all the time. The more we can understand a little bit about how we function and what we see across generations, the better off we are going to be.”